Monday, February 24, 2020

Small Town Scandal: Deadlier Than Sharks?

What's deadlier than a shark attack? Sadly, not the Shaq Attack... Selfies!

 A medical journal in India has compiled information leads us to believe that we could all become victims of our own vanity.  The Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care in India shared findings of a study comparing selfie related deaths to fatal shark attacks.  According to their data  259 people worldwide died in 137 selfie-related accidents between 2011 and 2017, while just 50 people were killed by sharks.
  An unrelated survey uncovered the following shocking statistics:

  • 41% of us have already risked our safety in pursuit of a selfie.
  • Men are more likely to take risky selfies
  • 61% of males would accept the challenge of a cliff-edge photo, compared to 38% of females.

 Have you ever taken a risky selfie? 
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